Family Center
CAll: (970)-254-6825
How Can the Family Center Help?
Chipeta Elementary's Family Center is here to work closely with community organizations in order to ensure our students and their families are receiving the resources they need and deserve.
Chipeta Elementary's Centro de Familia trabaja en estrecha colaboracion con organizaciones comunitarias para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes y sus familias reciban los recuros que necesitan y merecen.
- Some examples of resources provided are...
- Food and Clothing/Ropa y Comida
- Health Insurance/Seguro Medico
- Medical and Dental care/Atencion Medical y Dental
- Transportation/Transportacion
- Housing Search/Basqueda de Vivienda
- Education and Parenting Classes/Educacion y Clases para Padres
- Employment Search/Basqueda de Empleo
- Child Care Search/Basqueda de Vivienda
- Mental Health Support/Apolo de Salud Mental
Creating a Bridge Between Home and School
- Please remember to check your students Tuesday folder every week.
- Spending time with your child to complete homework assignments helps you stay up to date on what their learning.
- Encouraging your child through positive conversations lets them know you're actively engaged and curious to know what they know and think.
Creando el Puente Entre el Hogar y la Escuela
- Recuerde de revisar lla carpeta roja de su estudiante cada Martes.
- Pasar tiempo con su hijo para completar las tareas le ayuda a mantenerse actuallizado sobre lo que aprende.
- Aliente a su hijo a traves de hagales saber que esta activamente comprometido y curioso por saber lo que sabe y piensa.